
Posts Tagged ‘christian devotion’

Who Me?

When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The LORD is with you, mighty warrior. Judges 6:12

How would this change your outlook on life, if God appeared face to face via an angel and told you that HE was with you? I think I would feel empowered and ready for the task. However, this is opposite of what Gideon says or does. He questions the angel. “How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest…I am the least in my family.” He further puts God to the test by asking for signs. This seems like a lack of faith in who God is.

We can be empowered by God for our tasks today. If you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, His Holy Spirit resides in your heart. He gives us strength for anything that comes our way. He leads us if we only sit quietly and listen to His voice rather than all the external distractions of life.

We can be uplifted and encouraged today because God is on our side. He has chosen us for specific tasks. Believe Him today!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your Holy Spirit that lives within me. Help me to listen to your voice and follow your leading in my life. I am excited for what you have for me today.
In Jesus’ name,

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Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

A year ago I was busy writing 16 phonic readers, and now a year later I have the published books in my home! What a wonderful tribute to God—that He began a good work in me, and He saw it to completion. I’m working on a new project currently, and I asked God, are you sure I can do this? While reading the Bible, this is the verse that He brought to my attention. He reminded me that if He begins something, He will see it through.

What projects or work has God laid upon you? Be sure that God will see it to completion. He will give you strength and resources to accomplish His work. Are you busy and stressed raising children, tending to your husband, cleaning your house, and participating in church work? Don’t worry. God will help you through!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for helping me every step of the way on the projects you put into my path. Help me to trust you for guidance.
In Jesus’ name,

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And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  John 14:13

At the beginning of this year I posted a devotion about dreaming big and writing down your prayer requests/dreams. This morning my daughter asked why God doesn’t answer our prayers about her Korean grandfather. He is not a Christian, and we’ve been praying that he would come to believe in Jesus. She was doubting that God answered prayers. Thankfully, I had started a prayer journal in 2005, and I showed her prayer requests that God had answered for me. I had written the dates I started praying and the dates they were answered. A couple of the prayer requests were ones we had prayed about together,  and God had answered. Anna had forgotten. However, there are still some that don’t have an answered date because God has not answered them yet. I told her that God is not on our time table. He will answer in His time, not ours.

This seemed to satisfy her for the time being. Have you started a prayer journal? If not, start today. Write down your requests and today’s date. Watch how God’s works in your life so you can share the power of God in your life. We must pray with faith, believing God will answer according to His will so that He can be glorified, not us. I hope your journal gets filled with answered prayers!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being faithful to me in answering my prayers. Thank you that you are in control of my life. Please show your power in my life so that others may believe.
In Jesus’ name,

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Me First

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:27

Here’s a scenario in our family. We come home and since we live in a high-rise apt in Seoul, we have to ride an elevator to our apt. My kids race to the elevator door to see who can enter first and push the 18th button. As soon as we arrive, they race out the door to see who unlocks the door first. The lock is computerized. If it’s bath night, they argue over who is taking a bath first. Meaning the first one in is the first one out and can play. Where did all this selfishness come from?

How can I teach them to put others first? I’ve used this verse before and try to have them put each other first. Very hard for little children to do! I guess sometimes it’s hard for adults as well. I hope that I can be an example for them. I need to watch that I’m not selfish with my time and put them and my husband before my activities and needs.

Last night we watched an old movie “Over the Hedge.” Some possum parents explain to their children that in order to live they must die. What a great concept! In order to live in God’s kingdom, we must die to our selfishness!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for when my self gets in the way. Help me to be a good example to my children. I pray that  they will learn and understand how to put others first. Thank you for your great example of love and dying for others. Help me to die to selfishness.
In Jesus’ name,

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The Lord answered Moses, “Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you.” Numbers 11:23

Imagine living in the days of Moses. You just witnessed God’s power and miracles. You were part of the crowd that passed through the Red Sea on dry land. You were fed with the bread of heaven, manna. Yet, your people still complained. Manna every day for breakfast, lunch and supper? Where’s the meat? So God told Moses He would feed them meat for a whole month, so much that it would come out of their nostrils. But Moses didn’t know how God could feed them meat. They didn’t have enough animals. God answered,”Is my arm too short?”

Moses himself should have known this would be something easy for God. Moses was the leader and had been used by God in these miracles.

This week a writing opportunity has come about. But I’ve already wondered about many things. Yet, I just have to trust God that He will provide resources needed to complete the task. “Is the Lord’s arm too short” that He cannot help me? How about you? Do you have a task this week that seems undaunting? God has unlimited resources and power.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me when I doubt your power. I trust in you to help me complete the tasks you want done. Thank you for using me!
In Jesus’ name,

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…”If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35

Last week my husband invited his two sisters and their families over for supper. I enjoy their company. Only 1 problem…I’m not a good cook, especially with Korean food. Yikes! After I got a grip, I asked God for help and wanted to turn this dinner into a chance to “oikos” or be a testimony to his older sister who isn’t a Christian. So I adopted a servant’s heart.

Like always, God came to my rescue and directed me to some wonderful recipes that they thought were delicious. Thank you, God!

How about you? Do you have some events this week which you could turn into a service for God? Can you share God’s love through your service to others, especially with Valentine’s Day around the corner?

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for helping me in every sticky situation. Help me to have a servant’s heart attitude in everything I do so that I can win as many as possible to Jesus. I love you.
In Jesus’ name,

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Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Psalm 33:1

I love our worship services at church where we can sing praise songs and hymns to God. The music fills my heart with joy for the Lord. However, later in the day or week daily life can add stress with its problems. Satan can get a hold of my thoughts and make me filled with worry or depressing thoughts.

We can rid our minds of these thoughts and chase Satan away by singing to God! I like to turn on Christian music and either listen or sing along and meditate on the words. That is a quick way to change my attitude. It even works for my childen! If they wake up and are grumpy at breakfast, I pop in a children’s Christian CD, and their countenance changes as they sing along! Try it!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for music. I want to sing praise to you all day like David in the Bible. You are worthy of our praise. Help me to keep my thoughts pure and meditate on You.
In Jesus’ name,

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When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight,  for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty. Jeremiah 15:16

This past month I’ve been praying for a revival to happen in my own little family. Meaning, I want my kids, husband, and myself to really live for God and love Him.

 Every night I read a Bible story or devotion with my children. My daughter Anna, a 3rd grader, surprised me by saying that she wants to read the entire Bible from cover to cover! I was so proud of her. That’s a tough assignment just for adults, let alone an 8-year-old! She has a beginning reader’s Bible that has watered-down vocabulary for kids. So far she’s in Genesis 9 and asks wonderful questions about the Bible and God.

Last year I read the Bible through with our church group, reading 7 chapters a day. That was challenging for me. I started all over and am taking it slowly to understand it more. Like Jeremiah, God’s Word is to be our joy and delight. This is His love letter to us, our manual on how to live on earth. Would you like to join Anna’s reading challenge?

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your precious Word, the Bible. Thank you that my children love to read your words and hear Bible stories. I pray that we can live according to your words.
In Jesus’ name,

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Unbearable Tasks

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Psalm 18:32

Do you have a horrendous task that needs to be done this week? As a wife, the dishes keep piling, the laundry becomes a mountain of clothes, not to mention all the cleaning that needs to be done in the house. As a writer, assignments are due. How can I get it all done, Lord?

I opened my Bible to Psalm 18 yesterday and read the whole chapter. What an encouragement it was to my soul! David starts out by saying, “I love you, O Lord, my strength.” Just as God strengthened David for his tasks, He will strengthen me. And He did! Saturday, after a time of prayer, I was able to get one of my writing assignments completed. Wahoo!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being my strength day by day. You enable me to move mountains. I love you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name,

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A Heavy Heart

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Do you ever cry because of other people’s problems or sin? This week my heart is weighed down as I contemplate problems of others as well as myself. I pray for my friends and family members and even try to offer advice when I can. But the ugliness of sin hurts.

I can’t imagine what Jesus felt when He hung on the cross and carried the sin of the whole world on his shoulders. However, I can rejoice because Jesus triumphed over sin and death. I don’t need to carry the weight of problems around me. Jesus only asks that I transfer them to Him because He loves and cares for me, my family, and friends.

What is weighing you down? Give it over to Jesus. He knows exactly what to do. I hope to have a heart light as a feather this week.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for bearing our burdens on the cross, for dying for our sin. You know each of our problems and how we can solve them. I give my sorrows to you and trust you to help me and each of my friends and family.
In Jesus’ name,

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